Help:About your wiki/How to see older revisions of a page

< Help:About your wikiThis is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

History of revisions[edit source]

MediaWiki stores each and every revision of any page in the database. Looking at page history one can see who did what, and when. There are tools for revisions comparison in the page history view:

Page revisions. History view.png

You can:

  • open the page at any revision,
  • compare revisions,
  • undo latest changes,
  • revert edits by a given contributor,
  • revert to any arbitrary past revision
  • see other contributions by the same author
  • leave a message on the author's user page
  • block vandals (on public wikis)

Moderation[edit source]

Revision based approach for storing MediaWiki content makes it possible to keep unmoderated / unapproved content unavailable for public viewing. There is a number of content moderation workflows provided by the extensions to match different use cases: