Help:About your wiki/How to edit pages in VisualEditor

< Help:About your wikiThis is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

What is Visual Editor?[edit source]

The VisualEditor extension allows for editing pages as rich content (WYSIWYG) rather than using wiki markup. Editing in the visual editor is very similar to the editing in any office application, like Word or Writer.

The main VisualEditor toolbar looks like this:

VisualEditor toolbar

Formatting[edit source]

You can:

  • make text bold or italic,
  • create bulleted or numbered lists,
  • define headings level,
  • create tables

Linking[edit source]

You can:

  • insert footnotes / references,
  • insert links to wiki pages or external URLs,
  • insert templates, images

Management[edit source]

You can:

  • manage page categories and settings,
  • switch between visual and source editors

Page options. Switching between editors.

Automatic citations[edit source]

You can even retrieve citations from the Internet (additional configuration required):
